“Rebuild Ukraine” in Warsaw As part of a German joint stand, we will be exhibiting at the “Rebuild Ukraine” trade fair, which will be held in Warsaw on February 15-16, 2023. The fair provides a platform where representatives of the government and local authorities of Ukraine, financial institutions, investors, the construction industry and mechanical engineering…

World of Concrete

ACT/WIGGERT participated also in 2023 at the WORLD OF CONCRETE trade show in Las Vegas. At the well-attended booth, visitors were able to learn about state-of-the-art mixing technology. Numerous discussions were held with existing and new customers about upcoming projects. We are confident that we will be able to support these customers with our know-how…

Mileage total of 228.7 km

Mileage total of 228.7 kmOn the last weekend in September, we held our almost traditional charity run for the benefit of the Sterntaler children’s hospice. For the first time since the Corona pandemic, runners could choose between on-site participation at Mannheim’s Michael Hoffmann Stadium and virtual participation, where they completed their laps on a course…

BAUMA 2022 – WIGGERT says thank you.

BAUMA 2022 – WIGGERT says thank you.BAUMA, the world’s largest trade fair for construction and building material machines, mining machines, construction vehicles and construction equipment, has been a fixed date in WIGGERT’s calendar for many decades. So also this year. We were present in Munich for our customers and interested parties with a booth, equipment…

Successful connections

Through interfaces between our concrete batching plants and your ERP systems, we enable direct data exchange and intelligent, end-to-end processes.
In this way, we create a solid foundation for lasting business relationships – and for high-quality concrete products.

8th Sterntaler Donation Run 2021!

8. Sterntaler #Spendenlauf 2021! Auch in diesem Jahr haben wieder einige WIGGERT-Mitarbeiter von Freitag, den 24.09.2021 bis Sonntag, den 26.09.2021 am Spendenlauf des Kinderhospiz Sterntaler e. V. teilgenommen! Der diesjährige 8. Spendenlauf fand Corona-bedingt erneut virtuell statt und #WIGGERT lief weltweit für einen guten Zweck. Insgesamt wurden in Karlsruhe, Atlanta, New Hampshire, Chicago und Alberta…

Global Service

Für unsere Kunden sind wir weltweit mit umfassenden Betonmisch- und Transport­systemen im Einsatz. Wir übernehmen individuelle Planung, Inhouse-­Produktion, fachkundige Montage und bei Bedarf die Integration in Ihre bestehenden Produktions­anlagen – und sorgen mit unserem weltum­spannenden Life-Cycle-Support dauerhaft für höchste Leistungsfähigkeit.